Cyber polyglot

Dwaylan Applewhite
2 min readJun 8, 2020

My novice understanding of multiple languages.

We have reached an arrival point! We can understand the matrix and its landscape to an extent. I know you’re thinking “well how is this different than the last post”. I’ll tell you how. First off, I have added a new and honestly a bit confusing language into the mix known as Javascript. Secondly, not only can I speak to the computer via the 3 languages, but I can understand it when it speaks back and translate it to conversational English!

Coding has now become a conversation where I interpret and translate between man and computer.

How cool is that? I now speak English, HTML, CSS, and JS! But what exactly is Javascript?

Javascript is a functional language similar to CSS, but it’s not without its differences either. JS and CSS both provide functionality to elements on the HTML, however; javascript provides functionality to pre-existing elements that are in a state of null. With my current understanding, If your Document is a lake then CSS operates with the elements we can see in the shallow. Javascript awakens unknown and sleeping elements from the depths and summons them to do its bidding… Too much?

Okay, yeah, that was a bit much but a week ago I wouldn’t have been able to comprehend enough of either language to make that metaphor in English, and there lies the difficulty. In coding, you MUST be comprehensive enough to describe the issue. You can’t troubleshoot, create, or debug if you have no way to text or verbalize descriptions. Trying to create and smooth out your code without a novice comprehension of the languages would be like trying to put together IKEA furniture with only the Swedish instructions… and you only speak English… and you’re looking for troubleshooting videos in Italian…

Learning new languages and translating between them is tough, but it’s soo rewarding. You just have to keep the faith and remember, no one learns Swedish in a day. I am in this class to understand something as crazy as learning three languages in a span of 4 weeks, but I am determined to create a better path in life. So bring on the dictionaries.


Our first Javascript level up! Yaaaay! So let's talk about Event Listeners… What the hell are they? Well think about and even as a child element in CSS. Like human children Events are elements that sometimes need a bit of guidance. Therefore, Event Listeners give events instructions on how to perform a task.


So what is the DOM or the Document Object Model? Think of the DOM as Yggdrasil the Tree of Life. The DOM tree is all-encompassing. It is the life of your website and everything that flows in it. The DOM starts out with a “Document” at the top, and within that document is a body. Within that body, there are branches called HTML, CSS, and JS. On those branches, there are offshoots, buds, leaves, and branches called elements. Those branches hold buds for flowers and new leaves called child elements. Get it? The DOM is just one big cyber tree that holds everything together.



Dwaylan Applewhite

Millennial performing artist and aspiring tech guru.