A New Quest

Dwaylan Applewhite
3 min readAug 27, 2020


Ah yes, a new quest. When we last left our journey we were in the realm on Web101. Now we are in JS211, and boy-oh-boy is the imposter syndrome extremely heavy from the beginning. As we plunge deeper into the cyber ether, things are getting harder, as expected, however, I feel WAY over my head. Javascript is going to be the language that gives me a run for my money, but I will get through this. I will be successful, and I will graduate even it that means taking tutoring lessons 5 days a week… funny enough, I am now revisiting this blog with a new sense of clarity after a much-needed reset.

So what are some things I learned in my time away from this post?

Well, for starters some of the notation and language makes sense now. What was once jibberish is now starting to flow.

Examples in notation.

In web 101 the equals sign only took on one meaning to my recollection… However, “=” takes on a few meanings depending on the amount. In javascript the “= =” comparison operator simply means the value of something is equal to something. Let’s say “x == 5” this reads as x is equal to five. Any five be it a string 5 or a numeral 5. Now let’s say “x=== 5”. This means x is specifically equal to 5 in value AND type. It MUST be a numeral 5 rather than word or string or it will not return as true.

While strings and numbers may represent the same thing, they are different elements. Take for example “var foo = 10 + ‘20’”. This would translate to the variable “foo” is equal to ten plus the string 20? Now why isn’t it 30? Well, once again strings and numbers cannot be concated due to them being different elements, so unless we use parseInt to transform the 20-string into a number then they cannot be added together.

Something else I’ve noticed in contrast to Web101 is that shift from aesthetic to functionality. We learned how to make things pretty, but now we’re learning how to make things functional, and the majority of that is being tested and built to function within our own terminals and these projects are know as terminal applications.

Now for another t-word that sounds like terminal app but it is nothing of the sort (kinda live java and javascript) ternary operator.

A ternary operator is an operator that takes in three operands for a condition. Think of it this way: Little tommie has 3 apples. If tommy has less than 3 apples then it is true that Tommy ate atleast one. If Tommy has 3 apples still it is ate is false, becuase he did not eat one.

var apples = 3;

var ate;

if (apples >3){

ate = true}


return false}

I know that sounds confusing but it will get easier.

As of now my favorite features in HTML5 are CSS elements. I’m leaning more towards the attraction and aesthetic of the app, however in order to create said aesthetic, I know I need to know the functions and how elements are called from the DOM.

How do you structure your CSS and JavaScript to make it easier for other developers to work with? Well, I make sure the code lines are clean a child elements cascade in a manner that is readable. Also, the implementation of notes of pseudo-code within the coding program to explain the why and how of the process. Psuedo-code is a descriptive text used to explain the methodology of what we are doing or attempting to do.



Dwaylan Applewhite
Dwaylan Applewhite

Written by Dwaylan Applewhite

Millennial performing artist and aspiring tech guru.

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